What is BICSI?: Legally incorporated in 1977, Building Industry Consulting Services International is the worldwide, professional association and the preeminent source of information, education, and knowledge assessment for the constantly evolving Information Transport Systems wiring industry (ITS).
What is TPMA?: Telecommunications Project Managers Association
Why Harper Technology Group? All HTG project teams consist of a currently active BICSI/TPMA professionally designated credential holder.
What value do BICSI & TPMA professionals add?
Knowledge: All credential holders have passed an extensive exam. The master of infrastructure design, RCDD, is tested on the knowledge retained from BICSI’s Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual. The TDMM, currently in the 11th edition consists of the standards, codes and the globally accepted design practices for all aspects of telecommunications structured cabling infrastructure systems.
Education and awareness: BICSI credential holders must maintain professional development via continuing education and conference attendance.
Communication &Compliance: Having knowledge of terminology, standards, codes and best current installation and design practices, our designated professionals possess innovative thinking, improve the quality of project deployments and maintain cost control via understanding the entire scope of work.
Safety: Training includes knowledge of safety codes and practices for installation.
Vendor neutrality: All knowledge material used for testing is derived from a vendor-neutral viewpoint.
Access to resources: Designated professionals provide access to manufacturers and member’s only resources, providing accurate industry information is vital in minimizing the negative financial impacts that misinterpretation, updates or revisions to the standards or best current practices would typically promote.
Preparation for the future: BICSI’s mission, the RCDD code of ethical conduct, continuing education, membership resources and HTG experience allow an entire project team to maximize efficiency and collaboration while advancing the deployment and sustainability of all information transport systems.
Toolbox for building infrastructure value:
- The BICSI program is competence-driven with global credibility and multi layer industry acceptance.
- BICSI /TPMA designated professionals are specified by end users and government organizations.
- BICSI professional designations enable end users to leverage their infrastructure assets, maximize return on investment and reduce the total cost of ownership.
- HTG professionals can verify a proper installation resulting in predictable long term performance.
- HTG professionals have the skills to assess present and future needs and promote the development of accurate scopes of work, request for quotes, vendor pricing and proactively mitigate risks and alleviate conflicts.
- Due to the globally accepted recognition of the RCDD, coordination with other design professionals has become easier, thus enhancing today’s unified communication construction environment.
- RCDD’s LEED the way to "innovative best practices" within the global ITS industry.
- The Network Transport Specialist, NTS, is available only to an individual who possess a RCDD designation and whom has professionally developed into the internetworking design sector of the industry. Currently there are thirteen hundred and thirty across the global ITS industry.
- The NTS knowledge is standards based, vendor neutral, and in sync with the terminology and knowledge taught to Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Nortel professionals.
- The NTS is proven to be a “valuable project team member”, “tool” or “piece of the puzzle”. The NTS can properly evaluate existing, new, retrofit or "phase-in" designs and discuss both cabling options and networking issues with administrators, construction personnel, design professionals, system manufacturers and management disciplines.
We design IT
We manage IT
We help maintain IT
IT is your infrastructure & IT is our expertise.