Information technology has become an ever present and a critical business tool. CTO’s, IT managers and facility directors are burdened with providing a 24/7 service availability level, while keeping pace with the latest technology trends. How adaptable the physical and logical network infrastructure is, can become the differentiating factor in a businesses ability to eliminate downtime, increase profits, and surpass their competition.
Today, in addition to a traditional voice and data network, traditionally separate applications such as electronic life safety, security access control, lighting, and building automation are now transporting critical information on your network. The structured cabling system is the foundation that enables reliable network connectivity and application functionality. HTG will assure your infrastructure connectivity is reliable, error free, and ready for future business enabling applications.
HTG clientele includes:
- Chief Technology Officers, IT/IS managers, and Facility Directors
- Building owners and management
- General Contractors/Construction Managers
- Installation contractors
- Engineering and Integration firms
- Developers of residential single and multi dwelling units